Our Projects

Achievement First Music Room Insulation & Mop Sink Enclosure with Custom Door & Frame Installation

FedEx New Haven Truck Terminal

Southern Connecticut State University Davis Hall Lower Level Renovation

Historical Rehabilitation of 94-96 Edwards St. Hartford, CT

Charles T. McQueeney Apartments Redevelopment

Winslow Celentano Apartments Redevelopment

Yale University Phelps Hall Renovation

Yale University Peabody Museum Renovation

Yale University School of Linguistics Renovations

Yale University Afro-American Cultural Center

Demolition of Apartments Complex on Olson Drive

Rehabilitation of Hurricane Sandy Affected Communities

Hartford Lofts

The Barton House Restoration into Banton Commons

Installation of Exterior Gate at Achievement First

Courtyard Renovation at Achievement First

Lebanon Town Hall

Construction of New Offices

Revitalization of Achievement First School Main Office

Stone House Exterior Restoration

Historic Facade Improvements

Ice Cream and Coffee Shop Renovation

Home Renovation at 21 Montoya Drive

The Revitalization of 21-23 & 63-65 Durrell Drive Fairfield, Connecticut

Town of North Branford Smith Library Interior Painting
Groton Town Hall Exterior

Washington Middle School - Roger Sherman Elementary School

305 Achievement First Middle School & High School Renovations

Yale University Staff Offices & Kitchen Renovations

Homeowner Rehab Assistance Programs

Single Family Renovation

Clock Shop Lofts

Single Family Housing Rehab