Recent Bid Results
Thank you for your interest in working with VASE Management
Bid Results (2023/ 2024)
Contact the office with regards to any questions or other bids at “projects@vasemanagement.com”
Bridgeport, Achievement First, Bridgeport Schools (AWARDED)
Branford, Town of North Branford, Smith Library (AWARDED)
Bridgeport, City of Bridgeport, Hall Neighborhood House (RESULTS PENDING)
Cheshire, Town of Cheshire, Apartment Renovations (LOSS)
Fairfield, Town of Fairfield, Residential Projects (AWARDED)
Granby, Town of Granby - Phase 1 (AWARDED)
Granby, Town of Granby - Phase 2 (AWARDED)
Hartford, City of Hartford Kennedy Pool Park, (LOSS)
Lebanon, Town of Lebanon (AWARDED)
New Haven, New Haven Housing Authority, Fire Damage (LOSS)
New Haven, Southern Connecticut State University, Davis Hall (AWARDED)
New Haven, Elm City Communities, Housing Authority, SS, Group D (AWARDED)
New Haven, Achievement First, New Haven Schools (AWARDED)
New Haven, Yale University, LUCE Office Reno FY24 (RESULTS PENDING)
Norwalk, City of Norwalk/ AP, Oak Grove (AWARDED)
Norwalk, City of Norwalk, Construction Mgmt.- Phase 1 (AWARDED)
Norwalk, City of Norwalk, Construction Mgmt. - Phase 2 (RESULTS PENDING)
Norwich, Housing Authority, Exterior Renovations at Rosewood Manor (LOSS)
Seymour, Housing Authority, Property Revitalization at Castle Heights (RESULTS PENDING)
Tolland, Girls Scouts, Yankee Trails, Construction Management (AWARDED)
Waterbury, Housing Authority, Interior Reno (LOSS)